Create a Demo Applicaton
- Implement
- Implement
- Implement
- Implement
Complete Code
To demonstrate a working setup we create two applications each on top of their own ASE (communication stack). Therefore a Configurator is needed which links the applications to their ASE and initializes some essential parameters.
Required Classes
For a working setup we create four java classes in the BACnetITApplication project.
Go to Complete Code to skip the implementation details.
The next section describes the structure of the four classes in detail.
AbstractApplication is an abstract class that provides base functionality for applications. Our two applications will extend AbstractApplication.
The first step is to create an abstract java class AbstractApplication.
Make sure to import the following classes.
Note that by convention only classes within an api package should be imported!
// Make sure to import the following classes
// Import Java components
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
// Import packages from the BACnet/IT opensource projects
// By convention just classes within an api package should be used
import ch.fhnw.bacnetit.ase.application.service.api.ApplicationService;
import ch.fhnw.bacnetit.ase.application.transaction.api.ChannelListener;
import ch.fhnw.bacnetit.ase.encoding.api.BACnetEID;
import ch.fhnw.bacnetit.ase.encoding.api.TPDU;
import ch.fhnw.bacnetit.ase.encoding.api.T_UnitDataRequest;
import ch.fhnw.bacnetit.samplesandtests.api.deviceobjects.BACnetObjectIdentifier;
import ch.fhnw.bacnetit.samplesandtests.api.deviceobjects.BACnetObjectType;
import ch.fhnw.bacnetit.samplesandtests.api.deviceobjects.BACnetPropertyIdentifier;
import ch.fhnw.bacnetit.samplesandtests.api.encoding.asdu.ASDU;
import ch.fhnw.bacnetit.samplesandtests.api.encoding.asdu.IncomingRequestParser;
import ch.fhnw.bacnetit.samplesandtests.api.encoding.type.constructed.ServicesSupported;
import ch.fhnw.bacnetit.samplesandtests.api.encoding.util.ByteQueue;
import ch.fhnw.bacnetit.samplesandtests.api.service.confirmed.ReadPropertyRequest;
The following code shows the class structure, the essential instance variables and the constructor of class AbstractApplication.
Note the following:
- ApplicationService is the application’s view to the ASE and will be passed from the Configurator class.
- Each application maintains a list with simulated BACnet devices. A BACnet device should extend the ChannelListener class.
public abstract class AbstractApplication {
// applicationService is the application's view of the stack.
// applicationService is used to send BACnet messages to other devices.
// The configurator class will pass the applicationService, as shown later
final private ApplicationService applicationService;
// devices is a list of simulated BACnet devices.
final public List<ChannelListener> devices = new LinkedList<ChannelListener>();
public AbstractApplication(ApplicationService applicationService) {
this.applicationService = applicationService;
Let us implement a simple method to send ReadPropertyRequests to other devices.
BACnet4J is used to build BACnet services (e.g. ReadPropertyRequest).
Add the following method to class AbstractApplication.
* sendReadPropertyRequestUsingBACnet4j() sends a ReadRequestProperty to a
* given destination. To represent such a ReadPropertyRequest BACnet4J is
* used. Note that the TPDU constructor demands a byte array that represents
* the BACnet service. Feel free to provide the byte array without the usage
* of BACnet4J by using the sendBACnetMessage(byte[]) method.
* @throws URISyntaxException
public void sendReadPropertyRequestUsingBACnet4j(URI destination, BACnetEID from, BACnetEID to)
throws URISyntaxException {
final ReadPropertyRequest readRequest = new ReadPropertyRequest(
new BACnetObjectIdentifier(BACnetObjectType.analogValue, 1),
final ByteQueue byteQueue = new ByteQueue();
final TPDU tpdu = new TPDU(from, to,
final T_UnitDataRequest unitDataRequest = new T_UnitDataRequest(destination, tpdu, 1, null);
There is no need to use BACnet4J to build BACnet services. Feel free to provide any BACnet services as byte arrays.
Later in this example we’ll send WhoIs- and IAmRequest services between devices, both services are given as valid byte arrays. Add the following method to class AbstractApplication.
* sendBACnetMessage() sends a BACnet message represented as byte array to the given destination.
* Ensure the byte array represents a valid BACnet message.
* @param bacnetMessage
* @throws URISyntaxException
public void sendBACnetMessage(URI destination, BACnetEID from, BACnetEID to, byte[] confirmedBacnetMessage) throws URISyntaxException {
final TPDU tpdu = new TPDU(from, to,
final T_UnitDataRequest unitDataRequest = new T_UnitDataRequest(destination, tpdu, 1, null);
To parse and interpret incoming BACnet messages the following helper method is used. Add the following method to class AbstractApplication.
* getServiceFromBody() is a helper method to interpret received BACnet
* messages.
* @param body
* @return
protected ASDU getServiceFromBody(final byte[] body) {
final ByteQueue queue = new ByteQueue(body);
final ServicesSupported servicesSupported = new ServicesSupported();
final IncomingRequestParser parser = new IncomingRequestParser(
servicesSupported, queue);
ASDU request = null;
try {
request = parser.parse();
} catch (final Exception e) {
return request;
Great, you are done with the implementation of class AbstractApplication.
Application1 simulates and maintains two BACnet devices. Each device has to handle incoming BACnet messages. Application1 extends AbstractApplication.
Create a class for Application1 and extend AbstractApplication.
Make sure to import the following classes.
Note that by convention just classes within an api package should be used!
// Make sure to import the following classes
// Import Java components
// Import packages from the BACnet/IT opensource projects
// By convention just classes within an api package should be used
import ch.fhnw.bacnetit.ase.application.service.api.ApplicationService;
import ch.fhnw.bacnetit.ase.application.transaction.api.ChannelListener;
import ch.fhnw.bacnetit.ase.encoding.api.BACnetEID;
import ch.fhnw.bacnetit.ase.encoding.api.T_UnitDataIndication;
import ch.fhnw.bacnetit.samplesandtests.api.encoding.asdu.ASDU;
import ch.fhnw.bacnetit.samplesandtests.api.encoding.asdu.ComplexACK;
import ch.fhnw.bacnetit.samplesandtests.api.encoding.asdu.UnconfirmedRequest;
import ch.fhnw.bacnetit.samplesandtests.api.service.unconfirmed.WhoIsRequest;
Application1 extends AbstractApplication to inherit base functionality. ApplicationService is passed from the Configurator. Make sure to invoke AbstractApplication’s constructor and pass the ApplicationService instance to it. The following code shows the main class structure with the constructor.
* Simulating a BACnet/IT application using the ApplicationService interface
* (component of ASE) to send messages to other devices.
* @author IMVS, FHNW
public class Application1 extends AbstractApplication {
* Constructor of class Application1
* @param applicationService, the applicationService is passed from the Configurator.
public Application1(ApplicationService applicationService) {
// ...
// ...
A BACnet device is simulated by using ChannelListener.
The following code shows how Application1 implements two BACnet devices (BACnetEID 1001 and 1002).
A BACnet device (an implementation of ChannelListener) must handle incoming BACnet messages, you can define the behaviour by adjusting the
public void onIndication(T_UnitDataIndication arg0, Object context) method.
Add the following code into the constructor of Application1, right below of super(applicationService);
// To simulate a device within the application, a ChannelListener needs
// to get implemented.
ChannelListener bacnetDevice1001 = new ChannelListener(
new BACnetEID(1001)) {
* Handles incoming message errors from the ASE.
public void onError(String arg0) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
* Handles incoming messages from the ASE.
public void onIndication(T_UnitDataIndication arg0,
Object context) {
System.out.println("Application1 got an indication");
// Parse the incoming message
ASDU incoming = getServiceFromBody(arg0.getData().getBody());
// Dummy Handling of a ReadPropertyAck
if (incoming instanceof ComplexACK) {
"Application1 got an indication - ReadPropertyAck");
System.out.println("************\nReceived Value: "
+ ((ComplexACK) incoming).getService().toString()
+ "\n************");
// Dummy Handling of a WhoIsRequest
else if (incoming instanceof UnconfirmedRequest
&& ((UnconfirmedRequest) incoming)
.getService() instanceof WhoIsRequest) {
"Application1 got an indication - WhoIsRequest");
// Represent an IAmRequest as byte array
byte[] iAmRequest = new byte[] { (byte) 0x1E, (byte) 0x0E,
(byte) 0xC4, (byte) 0x02, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00,
(byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x21, (byte) 0x01, (byte) 0x91,
(byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x21, (byte) 0x01, (byte) 0x0F,
(byte) 0x1F };
try {
System.out.println("Application1 sends an IAmRequest to Application2");
sendBACnetMessage(new URI("ws://localhost:9090"),
new BACnetEID(1001), new BACnetEID(2001),iAmRequest);
} catch (Exception e) {
// To simulate a device within the application, a ChannelListener needs
// to get implemented.
ChannelListener bacnetDevice1002 = new ChannelListener(
new BACnetEID(1002)) {
* Handles incoming message errors from the ASE.
public void onError(String arg0) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
* Handles incoming messages from the ASE.
public void onIndication(T_UnitDataIndication arg0,
Object context) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
Don’t forget to add the two BACnet devices to the application’s device list.
// Add the two bacnetDevices to the device list of application1.
Great, you are done with the implementation of class Application1.
Application2 simulates and maintains two BACnet devices as well. Each device has to handle incoming BACnet messages. Application2 extends AbstractApplication as well.
Make sure to import the following classes.
Note that by convention just classes within an api package should be used!
// Make sure to import the following classes
// Import Java components
// Import packages from the BACnet/IT opensource projects
// By convention just classes within an api package should be used
import ch.fhnw.bacnetit.ase.application.service.api.ApplicationService;
import ch.fhnw.bacnetit.ase.application.transaction.api.ChannelListener;
import ch.fhnw.bacnetit.ase.encoding.api.BACnetEID;
import ch.fhnw.bacnetit.ase.encoding.api.T_UnitDataIndication;
import ch.fhnw.bacnetit.samplesandtests.api.deviceobjects.BACnetObjectIdentifier;
import ch.fhnw.bacnetit.samplesandtests.api.deviceobjects.BACnetObjectType;
import ch.fhnw.bacnetit.samplesandtests.api.deviceobjects.BACnetPropertyIdentifier;
import ch.fhnw.bacnetit.samplesandtests.api.encoding.asdu.ASDU;
import ch.fhnw.bacnetit.samplesandtests.api.encoding.asdu.ConfirmedRequest;
import ch.fhnw.bacnetit.samplesandtests.api.encoding.asdu.UnconfirmedRequest;
import ch.fhnw.bacnetit.samplesandtests.api.encoding.type.primitive.Real;
import ch.fhnw.bacnetit.samplesandtests.api.encoding.type.primitive.UnsignedInteger;
import ch.fhnw.bacnetit.samplesandtests.api.encoding.util.ByteQueue;
import ch.fhnw.bacnetit.samplesandtests.api.service.acknowledgment.ReadPropertyAck;
import ch.fhnw.bacnetit.samplesandtests.api.service.confirmed.ReadPropertyRequest;
import ch.fhnw.bacnetit.samplesandtests.api.service.unconfirmed.IAmRequest;
Let Application2 extends AbstractApplication to inherit base functionality.
ApplicationService will be passed from the Configurator. Make sure to invoke AbstractApplication’s constructor
and pass the ApplicationService instance to it.
Further we define a arbitrary value, this value will get requested from Application1 later in this tutorial.
The following code show the main structure and a part of the constructor.
* Simulating a BACnet/IT application using the ApplicationService interface
* (component of ASE) to send messages to other devices.
* @author IMVS, FHNW
public class Application2 extends AbstractApplication {
// A value of Application2. Application1 may request this value using a
// ReadPropertyRequest.
final private int value = 1000;
* Constructor of class Application2
* @param applicationService,
* the applicationService gets passed from the Configurator.
public Application2(ApplicationService applicationService) {
// ...
// ...
A BACnet device gets simulated by ChannelListener. The following code shows how Application2 implements two BACnet devices (BACnetEID 2001 and 2002). A BACnet device must handle incoming BACnet messages, you can define the behaviour by adjusting the public void onIndication(T_UnitDataIndication arg0, Object context) method.
Note that in this tutorial Application1 and Application2 handle incoming messages differently.
Add the following code into the constructor of Application2 right below of super(applicationService);
// To simulate a device within the application, a ChannelListener needs
// to get implemented.
final ChannelListener bacnetDevice2001 = new ChannelListener(
new BACnetEID(2001)) {
* Handles incoming message errors from the ASE.
public void onError(final String arg0) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
* Handles incoming messages from the ASE.
public void onIndication(final T_UnitDataIndication arg0,
final Object context) {
System.out.println("Application2 got an indication");
// Parse the incoming message
final ASDU incoming = getServiceFromBody(
if (incoming instanceof ConfirmedRequest
&& ((ConfirmedRequest) incoming)
.getServiceRequest() instanceof ReadPropertyRequest) {
"Application2 got an indication - ReadPropertyRequest");
// Prepare DUMMY answer
final ByteQueue byteQueue = new ByteQueue();
new ReadPropertyAck(
new BACnetObjectIdentifier(
BACnetObjectType.analogValue, 1),
new UnsignedInteger(1), new Real(value))
// Send answer
try {
"Application2 sends an ReadPropertyAck to Application1");
sendBACnetMessage(new URI("ws://localhost:8080"),
new BACnetEID(2001), new BACnetEID(1001),
} catch (final URISyntaxException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
} // Dummy Handling of a ReadPropertyAck
else if (incoming instanceof UnconfirmedRequest
&& ((UnconfirmedRequest) incoming)
.getService() instanceof IAmRequest) {
"Application2 got an indication - IAmRequest ");
// To simulate a device within the application, a ChannelListener needs
// to get implemented.
final ChannelListener bacnetDevice2002 = new ChannelListener(
new BACnetEID(2002)) {
* Handles incoming message errors from the ASE.
public void onError(final String arg0) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
* Handles incoming messages from the ASE.
public void onIndication(final T_UnitDataIndication arg0,
final Object context) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
Don’t forget to add the two BACnet devices to the application’s device list.
// Add the two bacnetDevices to the device list of application2.
Great, you are done with the implementation of class Application2.
The Configurator has the following tasks:
- Java entry point of the demo application.
- Initialization of essential BACnet/IT components (e.g. Directory Service).
- Definition of the available Transport Bindings.
- Linking Application1 and ASE1, as well as Application2 and ASE2.
- Linking the Transport Bindings and the ASEs.
- Triggers some communication between simulated BACnet devices.
Note the following sequence diagram to understand better about the Configurator tasks.
Create a new JAVA class and name it Configurator.
Make sure to import the following classes.
Note that by convention just classes within an api package should be used!
// Make sure to import the following classes
// Import Java components
// Import packages from the BACnet/IT opensource projects
// By convention just classes within an api package should be used
import ch.fhnw.bacnetit.ase.application.configuration.api.DiscoveryConfig;
import ch.fhnw.bacnetit.ase.application.service.api.ASEServices;
import ch.fhnw.bacnetit.ase.application.service.api.BACnetEntityListener;
import ch.fhnw.bacnetit.ase.application.service.api.ChannelConfiguration;
import ch.fhnw.bacnetit.ase.application.service.api.ChannelFactory;
import ch.fhnw.bacnetit.ase.application.transaction.api.*;
import ch.fhnw.bacnetit.ase.encoding.api.BACnetEID;
import ch.fhnw.bacnetit.ase.transportbinding.service.api.ASEService;
import ch.fhnw.bacnetit.directorybinding.dnssd.api.DNSSD;
import ch.fhnw.bacnetit.transportbinding.api.BindingConfiguration;
import ch.fhnw.bacnetit.transportbinding.api.ConnectionFactory;
import ch.fhnw.bacnetit.transportbinding.api.TransportBindingInitializer;
The Configurator class contains the main() method only.
Lets go trough the steps one by one.
In this tutorial two ASEs are simulated, both running on localhost (port 8080 and 9090).
Both ASEs simulate each two BACnet devices.
An ASE needs one or several Transport Bindings to communicate (e.g. http or websocket).
The following code shows the main class structure.
public class Configurator {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// ...
Add the following codes right into the main() method of class Configurator.
Use the ChannelFactory to get access to ASE in a proper way. (By using the interface ASEServices).
Cast ASEServices to ChannelConfiguration, in this way you ensure a proper and limited view to ASE functionality. Note that the interface ASEServices extends three interfaces: ChannelConfiguration, ApplicationService, and TransportBindingService.
*********************** SETUP ASE 1 ***********************
final ASEServices aseServicesChannel1 = ChannelFactory.getInstance();
final ChannelConfiguration channelConfiguration1 = aseServicesChannel1;
Control Messages define a kind of discovery mechanism in BACnet/IT. Such control messages aren’t handled by the ASE itself, therefore the BACnetEntityListener interface has to be implemented. Make sure to announce BACnetEntityListener in the ASE.
// Configure BACnetEntity Listener to handle Control Messages
final BACnetEntityListener bacNetEntityHandler1 = new BACnetEntityListener() {
public void onRemoteAdded(final BACnetEID eid,
final URI remoteUri) {
DirectoryService.getInstance().register(eid, remoteUri, false,
public void onRemoteRemove(final BACnetEID eid) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
public void onLocalRequested(final BACnetEID eid) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
As mentioned, ASE needs one or several transport bindings to communicate with other stacks. In this example WebSocket is used for incoming and outgoing messages. The following code shows how you add the WebSocket binding for incoming and outgoing messages.
// Configure the transport binding
final ConnectionFactory connectionFactory1 = new ConnectionFactory();
new WSConnectionClientFactory());
int wsServerPort1 = 8080;
new WSConnectionServerFactory(wsServerPort1));
BindingConfiguration bindingConfiguration1 = new TransportBindingInitializer();
channelConfiguration1.setASEService((ASEService) bindingConfiguration1);
Setup ASE2 in the same way.
Note because both ASEs run on localhost we have to choose different ports.
*********************** SETUP ASE 2 ***********************
final ASEServices aseServicesChannel2 = ChannelFactory.getInstance();
final ChannelConfiguration channelConfiguration2 = aseServicesChannel2;
// Configure BACnetEntity Listener to handle Control Messages
final BACnetEntityListener bacNetEntityHandler2 = new BACnetEntityListener() {
public void onRemoteAdded(final BACnetEID eid,
final URI remoteUri) {
DirectoryService.getInstance().register(eid, remoteUri, false,
public void onRemoteRemove(final BACnetEID eid) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
public void onLocalRequested(final BACnetEID eid) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
// Configure the transport binding
final ConnectionFactory connectionFactory2 = new ConnectionFactory();
new WSConnectionClientFactory());
int wsServerPort2 = 9090;
new WSConnectionServerFactory(wsServerPort2));
BindingConfiguration bindingConfiguration2 = new TransportBindingInitializer();
channelConfiguration2.setASEService((ASEService) bindingConfiguration2);
We already implemented two applications. Remember both applications extend AbstractApplication and handle incoming messages differently. In the following code the two applications are initialized. Remember further, that both applications maintain their simulated BACnet devices in lists. We use these lists to iterate over all simulated BACnet devices of both applications and register the devices into the corresponding ASE.
*********************** Register BACnet devices from application 1 in ASE 1
* ***********************
AbstractApplication application1 = new Application1(
for (ChannelListener device : application1.devices) {
*********************** Register BACnet devices from application 2 in ASE 2
* ***********************
AbstractApplication application2 = new Application2(
for (ChannelListener device : application2.devices) {
In this example we don’t need a directory service because we provide the two destination URIs directly (ws://localhost:8080 and ws://localhost:9090). Nevertheless, the following example shows how to choose a Directory Binding and initializes the DirectoryService.
*********************** Initialize the directory service (not used in this example)
final DiscoveryConfig ds = new DiscoveryConfig("DNSSD", "",
"", "bds._sub._bacnet._tcp.",
"dev._sub._bacnet._tcp.", "obj._sub._bacnet._tcp.", false);
try {
DirectoryService.getInstance().setDNSBinding(new DNSSD(ds));
} catch (final Exception e1) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
Well done, all needed configuration and linking of components is done! Now let the devices communicate between each other.
In the first communication attempt BACnet device 1001 from application1 sends a ReadPropertyRequest to BACnet device 2001 from application2. Device 2001 confirms the message with a ReadPropertyAck containing “the value” of application2. To get the correct representation of a ReadPropertyRequest and a ReadPropertyAck, BACnet4J is used.
*********************** Enforce Application1 to send a ReadPropertyRequest to Application2.
* Application2 answers with its "value". To represent the
* ReadPropertyRequest and the ReadPropertyAck BACnet4J is
* used.***********************
try {
"Applicatio1 sends a ReadPropRequest to Application2");
new URI("ws://localhost:" + wsServerPort2),
new BACnetEID(1001), new BACnetEID(2001));
} catch (Exception e) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e1) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
In the second communication attempt we renounce of BACnet4J. We let device 2001 from application2 send a WhoIsRequest to device 1001 from application1. Device 1001 answers with an IAmRequest. We provide a valid representation for both messages (WhoIsRequest and IAmRequest) as a given byte array. This example shows the independece of the new BACnet/IT stack with existing BACnet applications.
*********************** Enforce Application2 to send a WhoIsRequest to Application1.
* Application1 answers with an IAmRequest. To represent both BACnet
* services (WhoIsRequest and IAmRequest) a byte stream is provided.
* Therefore BACnet4J is not needed.
// Represent a WhoIsRequest as byte array
byte[] whoIsRequest = new byte[] { (byte) 0x1e, (byte) 0x8e,
(byte) 0x8f, (byte) 0x1f };
try {
"Applicatio2 sends a WhoIsRequest to Application1");
new URI("ws://localhost:" + wsServerPort1),
new BACnetEID(2001), new BACnetEID(1001), whoIsRequest);
} catch (Exception e) {
// Wait until close
try {;
} catch (Exception e) {
Run the Configurator, the expected console output should look like:
Applicatio1 sends a ReadPropRequest to Application2
Application2 got an indication
Application2 got an indication - ReadPropertyRequest
Application2 sends an ReadPropertyAck to Application1
Application1 got an indication
Application1 got an indication - ReadPropertyAck
Received Value: 1000.0
Applicatio2 sends a WhoIsRequest to Application1
Application1 got an indication
Application1 got an indication - WhoIsRequest
Application1 sends an IAmRequest to Application2
Application2 got an indication
Application2 got an indication - IAmRequest
Congratulations, your first two BACnet/IT applications are communicating!
Complete Code
The following section provides the four classes ready to use.
Complete Code of
// Make sure to import the following classes
// Import Java components
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import ch.fhnw.bacnetit.ase.application.service.api.ApplicationService;
// Import packages from the BACnet/IT opensource projects
// By convention just classes within an api package should be used
import ch.fhnw.bacnetit.ase.application.transaction.api.ChannelListener;
import ch.fhnw.bacnetit.ase.encoding.api.BACnetEID;
import ch.fhnw.bacnetit.ase.encoding.api.TPDU;
import ch.fhnw.bacnetit.ase.encoding.api.T_UnitDataRequest;
import ch.fhnw.bacnetit.samplesandtests.api.deviceobjects.BACnetObjectIdentifier;
import ch.fhnw.bacnetit.samplesandtests.api.deviceobjects.BACnetObjectType;
import ch.fhnw.bacnetit.samplesandtests.api.deviceobjects.BACnetPropertyIdentifier;
import ch.fhnw.bacnetit.samplesandtests.api.encoding.asdu.ASDU;
import ch.fhnw.bacnetit.samplesandtests.api.encoding.asdu.IncomingRequestParser;
import ch.fhnw.bacnetit.samplesandtests.api.encoding.type.constructed.ServicesSupported;
import ch.fhnw.bacnetit.samplesandtests.api.encoding.util.ByteQueue;
import ch.fhnw.bacnetit.samplesandtests.api.service.confirmed.ReadPropertyRequest;
* AbstractApplication provides base functionality
* @author IMVS, FHNW
public abstract class AbstractApplication {
// applicationService is the application's view of the stack.
// applicationService is used to send BACnet messages to other devices.
// The configurator class will pass the applicationService, as shown later
final private ApplicationService applicationService;
// devices is a list of simulated BACnet devices.
final public List<ChannelListener> devices = new LinkedList<ChannelListener>();
public AbstractApplication(ApplicationService applicationService) {
this.applicationService = applicationService;
* sendReadPropertyRequestUsingBACnet4j() sends a ReadRequestProperty to a
* given destination. To represent such a ReadPropertyRequest BACnet4J is
* used. Note that the TPDU constructor demands a byte array that represents
* the BACnet service. Feel free to provide the byte array without the usage
* of BACnet4J by using the sendBACnetMessage(byte[]) method.
* @throws URISyntaxException
public void sendReadPropertyRequestUsingBACnet4j(URI destination, BACnetEID from, BACnetEID to)
throws URISyntaxException {
final ReadPropertyRequest readRequest = new ReadPropertyRequest(
new BACnetObjectIdentifier(BACnetObjectType.analogValue, 1),
final ByteQueue byteQueue = new ByteQueue();
final TPDU tpdu = new TPDU(from, to,
final T_UnitDataRequest unitDataRequest = new T_UnitDataRequest(destination, tpdu, 1, null);
* sendBACnetMessage() sends a BACnet message represented as byte array to the given destination.
* Ensure the byte array represents a valid BACnet message.
* @param bacnetMessage
* @throws URISyntaxException
public void sendBACnetMessage(URI destination, BACnetEID from, BACnetEID to, byte[] confirmedBacnetMessage) throws URISyntaxException {
final TPDU tpdu = new TPDU(from, to,
final T_UnitDataRequest unitDataRequest = new T_UnitDataRequest(destination, tpdu, 1, null);
* getServiceFromBody() is a helper method to interpret received BACnet
* messages.
* @param body
* @return
protected ASDU getServiceFromBody(final byte[] body) {
final ByteQueue queue = new ByteQueue(body);
final ServicesSupported servicesSupported = new ServicesSupported();
final IncomingRequestParser parser = new IncomingRequestParser(
servicesSupported, queue);
ASDU request = null;
try {
request = parser.parse();
} catch (final Exception e) {
return request;
Complete Code of
// Make sure to import the following classes
// Import Java components
import ch.fhnw.bacnetit.ase.application.service.api.ApplicationService;
// Import packages from the BACnet/IT opensource projects
// By convention just classes within an api package should be used
import ch.fhnw.bacnetit.ase.application.transaction.api.ChannelListener;
import ch.fhnw.bacnetit.ase.encoding.api.BACnetEID;
import ch.fhnw.bacnetit.ase.encoding.api.T_UnitDataIndication;
import ch.fhnw.bacnetit.samplesandtests.api.encoding.asdu.ASDU;
import ch.fhnw.bacnetit.samplesandtests.api.encoding.asdu.ComplexACK;
import ch.fhnw.bacnetit.samplesandtests.api.encoding.asdu.UnconfirmedRequest;
import ch.fhnw.bacnetit.samplesandtests.api.service.unconfirmed.WhoIsRequest;
* Simulating a BACnet/IT application using the ApplicationService interface
* (component of ASE) to send messages to other devices.
* @author IMVS, FHNW
public class Application1 extends AbstractApplication {
* Constructor of class Application1
* @param applicationService,
* the applicationService gets passed from the Configurator.
public Application1(ApplicationService applicationService) {
// To simulate a device within the application, a ChannelListener needs
// to get implemented.
ChannelListener bacnetDevice1001 = new ChannelListener(
new BACnetEID(1001)) {
* Handles incoming message errors from the ASE.
public void onError(String arg0) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
* Handles incoming messages from the ASE.
public void onIndication(T_UnitDataIndication arg0,
Object context) {
System.out.println("Application1 got an indication");
// Parse the incoming message
ASDU incoming = getServiceFromBody(arg0.getData().getBody());
// Dummy Handling of a ReadPropertyAck
if (incoming instanceof ComplexACK) {
"Application1 got an indication - ReadPropertyAck");
System.out.println("************\nReceived Value: "
+ ((ComplexACK) incoming).getService().toString()
+ "\n************");
// Dummy Handling of a WhoIsRequest
else if (incoming instanceof UnconfirmedRequest
&& ((UnconfirmedRequest) incoming)
.getService() instanceof WhoIsRequest) {
"Application1 got an indication - WhoIsRequest");
// Represent an IAmRequest as byte array
byte[] iAmRequest = new byte[] { (byte) 0x1E, (byte) 0x0E,
(byte) 0xC4, (byte) 0x02, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00,
(byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x21, (byte) 0x01, (byte) 0x91,
(byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x21, (byte) 0x01, (byte) 0x0F,
(byte) 0x1F };
try {
System.out.println("Application1 sends an IAmRequest to Application2");
sendBACnetMessage(new URI("ws://localhost:9090"),
new BACnetEID(1001), new BACnetEID(2001),iAmRequest);
} catch (Exception e) {
// To simulate a device within the application, a ChannelListener needs
// to get implemented.
ChannelListener bacnetDevice1002 = new ChannelListener(
new BACnetEID(1002)) {
* Handles incoming message errors from the ASE.
public void onError(String arg0) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
* Handles incoming messages from the ASE.
public void onIndication(T_UnitDataIndication arg0,
Object context) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
// Add the two bacnetDevices to the device list of application1.
Complete Code of
// Make sure to import the following classes
// Import Java components
import ch.fhnw.bacnetit.ase.application.service.api.ApplicationService;
// Import packages from the BACnet/IT opensource projects
// By convention just classes within an api package should be used
import ch.fhnw.bacnetit.ase.application.transaction.api.ChannelListener;
import ch.fhnw.bacnetit.ase.encoding.api.BACnetEID;
import ch.fhnw.bacnetit.ase.encoding.api.T_UnitDataIndication;
import ch.fhnw.bacnetit.samplesandtests.api.deviceobjects.BACnetObjectIdentifier;
import ch.fhnw.bacnetit.samplesandtests.api.deviceobjects.BACnetObjectType;
import ch.fhnw.bacnetit.samplesandtests.api.deviceobjects.BACnetPropertyIdentifier;
import ch.fhnw.bacnetit.samplesandtests.api.encoding.asdu.ASDU;
import ch.fhnw.bacnetit.samplesandtests.api.encoding.asdu.ConfirmedRequest;
import ch.fhnw.bacnetit.samplesandtests.api.encoding.asdu.UnconfirmedRequest;
import ch.fhnw.bacnetit.samplesandtests.api.encoding.type.primitive.Real;
import ch.fhnw.bacnetit.samplesandtests.api.encoding.type.primitive.UnsignedInteger;
import ch.fhnw.bacnetit.samplesandtests.api.encoding.util.ByteQueue;
import ch.fhnw.bacnetit.samplesandtests.api.service.acknowledgment.ReadPropertyAck;
import ch.fhnw.bacnetit.samplesandtests.api.service.confirmed.ReadPropertyRequest;
import ch.fhnw.bacnetit.samplesandtests.api.service.unconfirmed.IAmRequest;
* Simulating a BACnet/IT application using the ApplicationService interface
* (component of ASE) to send messages to other devices.
* @author IMVS, FHNW
public class Application2 extends AbstractApplication {
// A value of Application2. Application1 may request this value using a
// ReadPropertyRequest.
final private int value = 1000;
* Constructor of class Application2
* @param applicationService,
* the applicationService gets passed from the Configurator.
public Application2(ApplicationService applicationService) {
// To simulate a device within the application, a ChannelListener needs to get implemented.
ChannelListener bacnetDevice2001 = new ChannelListener(new BACnetEID(2001)) {
* Handles incoming message errors from the ASE.
public void onError(String arg0) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
* Handles incoming messages from the ASE.
public void onIndication(T_UnitDataIndication arg0,
Object context) {
System.out.println("Application2 got an indication");
// Parse the incoming message
ASDU incoming = getServiceFromBody(arg0.getData().getBody());
if (incoming instanceof ConfirmedRequest && ((ConfirmedRequest) incoming)
.getServiceRequest() instanceof ReadPropertyRequest) {
System.out.println("Application2 got an indication - ReadPropertyRequest");
// Prepare DUMMY answer
final ByteQueue byteQueue = new ByteQueue();
new ReadPropertyAck(
new BACnetObjectIdentifier(
BACnetObjectType.analogValue, 1),
new UnsignedInteger(1), new Real(value))
// Send answer
try {
System.out.println("Application2 sends an ReadPropertyAck to Application1");
sendBACnetMessage(new URI("ws://localhost:8080"),new BACnetEID(2001),new BACnetEID(1001),
} catch (URISyntaxException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
} // Dummy Handling of a ReadPropertyAck
else if (incoming instanceof UnconfirmedRequest && ((UnconfirmedRequest)incoming).getService() instanceof IAmRequest) {
"Application2 got an indication - IAmRequest ");
// To simulate a device within the application, a ChannelListener needs to get implemented.
ChannelListener bacnetDevice2002 = new ChannelListener(new BACnetEID(2002)) {
* Handles incoming message errors from the ASE.
public void onError(String arg0) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
* Handles incoming messages from the ASE.
public void onIndication(T_UnitDataIndication arg0,
Object context) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
// Add the two bacnetDevices to the device list of application2.
Complete Code of
// Make sure to import the following classes
// Import Java components
// Import packages from the BACnet/IT opensource projects
// By convention just classes within an api package should be used
import ch.fhnw.bacnetit.ase.application.configuration.api.DiscoveryConfig;
import ch.fhnw.bacnetit.ase.application.service.api.ASEServices;
import ch.fhnw.bacnetit.ase.application.service.api.BACnetEntityListener;
import ch.fhnw.bacnetit.ase.application.service.api.ChannelConfiguration;
import ch.fhnw.bacnetit.ase.application.service.api.ChannelFactory;
import ch.fhnw.bacnetit.ase.application.transaction.api.*;
import ch.fhnw.bacnetit.ase.encoding.api.BACnetEID;
import ch.fhnw.bacnetit.ase.transportbinding.service.api.ASEService;
import ch.fhnw.bacnetit.directorybinding.dnssd.api.DNSSD;
import ch.fhnw.bacnetit.transportbinding.api.BindingConfiguration;
import ch.fhnw.bacnetit.transportbinding.api.ConnectionFactory;
import ch.fhnw.bacnetit.transportbinding.api.TransportBindingInitializer;
public class Configurator {
public static void main(String[] args) {
*********************** SETUP ASE 1 ***********************
final ASEServices aseServicesChannel1 = ChannelFactory.getInstance();
final ChannelConfiguration channelConfiguration1 = aseServicesChannel1;
// Configure BACnetEntity Listener to handle Control Messages
final BACnetEntityListener bacNetEntityHandler1 = new BACnetEntityListener() {
public void onRemoteAdded(final BACnetEID eid,
final URI remoteUri) {
DirectoryService.getInstance().register(eid, remoteUri, false,
public void onRemoteRemove(final BACnetEID eid) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
public void onLocalRequested(final BACnetEID eid) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
// Configure the transport binding
final ConnectionFactory connectionFactory1 = new ConnectionFactory();
new WSConnectionClientFactory());
int wsServerPort1 = 8080;
new WSConnectionServerFactory(wsServerPort1));
BindingConfiguration bindingConfiguration1 = new TransportBindingInitializer();
channelConfiguration1.setASEService((ASEService) bindingConfiguration1);
*********************** SETUP ASE 2 ***********************
final ASEServices aseServicesChannel2 = ChannelFactory.getInstance();
final ChannelConfiguration channelConfiguration2 = aseServicesChannel2;
// Configure BACnetEntity Listener to handle Control Messages
final BACnetEntityListener bacNetEntityHandler2 = new BACnetEntityListener() {
public void onRemoteAdded(final BACnetEID eid,
final URI remoteUri) {
DirectoryService.getInstance().register(eid, remoteUri, false,
public void onRemoteRemove(final BACnetEID eid) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
public void onLocalRequested(final BACnetEID eid) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
// Configure the transport binding
final ConnectionFactory connectionFactory2 = new ConnectionFactory();
new WSConnectionClientFactory());
int wsServerPort2 = 9090;
new WSConnectionServerFactory(wsServerPort2));
BindingConfiguration bindingConfiguration2 = new TransportBindingInitializer();
channelConfiguration2.setASEService((ASEService) bindingConfiguration2);
*********************** Register BACnet devices from application 1 in ASE 1 ***********************
AbstractApplication application1 = new Application1(aseServicesChannel1);
for (ChannelListener device : application1.devices) {
*********************** Register BACnet devices from application 2 in ASE 2 ***********************
AbstractApplication application2 = new Application2(aseServicesChannel2);
for (ChannelListener device : application2.devices) {
*********************** Initialize the directory service (not used in this example)
final DiscoveryConfig ds = new DiscoveryConfig("DNSSD", "",
"", "bds._sub._bacnet._tcp.",
"dev._sub._bacnet._tcp.", "obj._sub._bacnet._tcp.", false);
try {
DirectoryService.getInstance().setDNSBinding(new DNSSD(ds));
} catch (final Exception e1) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
*********************** Enforce Application1 to send a ReadPropertyRequest to Application2.
* Application2 answers with its "value". To represent the
* ReadPropertyRequest and the ReadPropertyAck BACnet4J is
* used.***********************
try {
System.out.println("Applicatio1 sends a ReadPropRequest to Application2");
new URI("ws://localhost:"+wsServerPort2), new BACnetEID(1001),
new BACnetEID(2001));
} catch (Exception e) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e1) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
*********************** Enforce Application2 to send a WhoIsRequest to Application1.
* Application1 answers with an IAmRequest. To represent both BACnet
* services (WhoIsRequest and IAmRequest) a byte stream is provided.
* Therefore BACnet4J is not needed.
// Represent a WhoIsRequest as byte array
byte[] whoIsRequest = new byte[]{(byte)0x1e,(byte)0x8e,(byte)0x8f,(byte)0x1f};
System.out.println("Applicatio2 sends a WhoIsRequest to Application1");
application2.sendBACnetMessage(new URI("ws://localhost:"+wsServerPort1), new BACnetEID(2001), new BACnetEID(1001),
}catch(Exception e){
// Wait until close
}catch(Exception e){}