Create a Demo Application using the Directory Service.
The project directory-binding-dnssd provides a DNSSD directory binding implementation.
Instead of using the DNSSD binding, we will implement a DummyDirectoryBinding in this example.
The class is the directory interface used by applications and bacnet devices.
All directory bindings implement the interface.
- Create a java class called that implements DirectoryBinding.
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import ch.fhnw.bacnetit.ase.encoding.api.BACnetEID;
// All directory bindings have to implement the DirectoryBinding interface
public class DummyDirectoryBinding implements DirectoryBinding {
// BACnetEID of bds
private volatile BACnetEID bds = null;
// Records
private volatile Map<BACnetEID, URI> records = new ConcurrentHashMap<BACnetEID,URI>();
public DummyDirectoryBinding(){
// Thread to print the current state of records.
new Thread(new Runnable(){
public void run() {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
for (Entry<BACnetEID, URI> entry : records.entrySet()) {
System.out.println("DirectoryBinding:\nBDS:" + ((bds!=null) ? bds.getIdentifierAsString():"not set")+"\n"+sb.toString());
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
public void delete(BACnetEID arg0) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
public List<BACnetEID> findBDS() {
if (this.bds != null ){
List<BACnetEID> bdss = new LinkedList<BACnetEID>();
return bdss;
return null;
public void register(BACnetEID bacnetEID, URI uri, boolean isBds) {
if (bacnetEID == null)
if (isBds && this.bds == null){
this.bds = bacnetEID;
System.out.println("BDS set");
// Overwrite existing values
records.put(bacnetEID, uri);
public void registerObject(String arg0, boolean arg1, String arg2,
BACnetEID arg3, String arg4, int arg5, int arg6) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
public URI resolve(BACnetEID bacnetEID) {
return this.records.get(bacnetEID);
- Extend the method onIndication(T_UnitDataIndication tUnitDataIndication, Object context) of bacnet device 1001 in class with a further else if case.
That case will handle incoming AddListElementRequests. (Contains information about the bacnet device that should be registered)
// Device 1001 of application 1 is BDS. Therefore it has to handle remote directory register requests
else if (incoming instanceof ConfirmedRequest && ((ConfirmedRequest)incoming).getServiceRequest() instanceof AddListElementRequest){
SequenceOf<?> charcterStrings = ((AddListElementRequest)((ConfirmedRequest)incoming).getServiceRequest()).getListOfElements();
System.out.println("BDS got an AddListElementRequest");
for (Encodable cs : charcterStrings ) {
try {
DirectoryService.getInstance().register(arg0.getData().getSourceEID(), new URI(cs.toString()), false, false);
} catch (URISyntaxException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
- Adjust class Configurator
- Let device 1001 be the BDS. The BDS registers itself directly using DirectoryService. All other devices send AddListElementRequest towards the BDS to register themselves.
DirectoryService.init(); DirectoryService.getInstance().setDNSBinding(new DummyDirectoryBinding()); // Register device 1001 as BDS DirectoryService.getInstance().register( application1.devices.get(0).getEID(), new URI("ws://localhost:8080"), true, false);
- Let devices 1002, 2001 and 2002 register themselves by sending AddListElementRequests to the BDS.
// Register 1002 using BDS ByteQueue bq = new ByteQueue( performRegisterOverBds( application1.devices.get(1).getEID(), new URI("ws://localhost:8080"), application1.devices.get(0).getEID())); application1.sendBACnetMessage( DirectoryService.getInstance() .resolve(DirectoryService.getInstance().getBds()), application1.devices.get(1).getEID(), application1.devices.get(0).getEID(), bq.popAll()); // Register 2001 using BDS bq = new ByteQueue( performRegisterOverBds(application2.devices.get(0).getEID(), new URI("ws://localhost:9090"), application1.devices.get(0).getEID())); application2.sendBACnetMessage( DirectoryService.getInstance() .resolve(DirectoryService.getInstance().getBds()), application2.devices.get(0).getEID(), application1.devices.get(0).getEID(), bq.popAll()); // Register 2002 using BDS bq = new ByteQueue( performRegisterOverBds(application2.devices.get(1).getEID(), new URI("ws://localhost:9090"), application1.devices.get(0).getEID())); application2.sendBACnetMessage( DirectoryService.getInstance() .resolve(DirectoryService.getInstance().getBds()), application2.devices.get(1).getEID(), application1.devices.get(0).getEID(), bq.popAll()); // Additional method to build a AddListElementRequest. Consider the BACnet/IT spec for the detailed and correct structure. public static byte[] performRegisterOverBds(BACnetEID who, URI location,BACnetEID bds) { final SequenceOf<CharacterString> uriChars = new SequenceOf<CharacterString>(); uriChars.add(new CharacterString(location.toString())); final AddListElementRequest request = new AddListElementRequest( new BACnetObjectIdentifier(BACnetObjectType.multiStateInput, 1), BACnetPropertyIdentifier.stateText, null, uriChars); final ByteQueue byteQueue = new ByteQueue(); request.write(byteQueue); return byteQueue.popAll(); }
- Replace the fix destination URIs by a DirectoryService.getInstance().resolve() invoke.
application1.sendReadPropertyRequestUsingBACnet4j( DirectoryService.getInstance().resolve(new BACnetEID(2001)), new BACnetEID(1001), new BACnetEID(2001)); //... application2.sendBACnetMessage( DirectoryService.getInstance().resolve(new BACnetEID(1001)), new BACnetEID(2001), new BACnetEID(1001), whoIsRequest);
Note the detailed sequence diagram about the tasks of the Configurator in a setup with Directory Service: Picture
Note the detailed system overview: Picture